During the epidemic, efficient and fast online shopping has met daily consumption needs of residents. Consumers enjoy spending more time with family members, meanwhile the preventive and control measures and timely disclosure of information are helping to recover consumers’ confidence. Recently, CGTN reported the trend of boosting Chinese consumer confidence for the well-controlled pandemic, which indicated its positive impact on China's retail industry. CGTN报道 中国消费者信心是治愈新冠肺炎的“良药” China consumer confidence amid COVID-19 尼尔森研究表明,92%的消费者对中国“战疫”表示有信心。这种信心主要来自政府适当的预防和控制措施,以及信息的及时披露,安全材料和日用品的稳定充足供应。 Nielsen study shows that 92% of the surveyed consumers expressed confidence in China’s victory over the year outbreak. And the confidence mainly came from the government properly preventive and also control measures and the timely disclosure of the information as well as stable and sufficient supply of safety materials and daily necessities. 在线购物和娱乐热潮助力非接触式配送服务 Online shopping & entertainment boom contactless delivery services essential 同时,消费者现在享受有更多时间“宅”在家,进一步稳固了他们的信心。在疫情期间,高效便捷的在线购物已使居民的日常消费需求增加。多样化的在线娱乐和其他应用程序充实他们的娱乐和休闲时间。此外,花更多的时间与家人,朋友和宠物在一起对大部分人来说也较愉悦。同时,从线上鲜食平台到线下非接触式配送服务等方式都使隔离生活更便捷。 And in the meantime, the fact that consumers are now able to enjoy staying at home has further stabilized their confidence. During the pandemic, efficient and fast online shopping has made daily consumption needs for the residents. Diversified online entertainment and other applications continues to serve as entertainment and leisure. In addition, spending more time with family members, friends and pets has also been positive for a large part of the population. In the meantime, contactless delivery services like online to offline fresh food platform help quarantine more daily life. The Nielsen survey also showed that consumers did have a strong demand of daily necessity and fresh products during the pandemic. Nearly 70% of them said that they purchased for daily necessities, fresh products more than twice a week. And over 80% of them said they shopped online. Home quarantine has further cultivated online shopping habits with 89% of them saying they will be more willing to buy daily necessities and fresh products online when the pandemic is over. 图1 消费者对日用品和新鲜食品需求 Figure1. Consumers’ demand of daily necessity and fresh products 中国消费者健康意识 China consumer health consciousness 疫情增强消费者自我意识。调查显示,有80%的消费者表示疫情结束后,他们也会注意饮食健康。其中75%的消费者表示,他们将来会在运动和健身上花费更多,而60%的消费者表示他们将增加定期体检的支出,59%的消费者表示他们将购买更多健康保险。 Consumer has also worn a stronger self-consciousness during the pandemic. The survey shows that 80% of the survey said that they would pay attention to eating healthy even after the pandemic is over. 75% said they would spend more on sports and fitness on future. 60% said they would increase their spending on the regular medical examinations and 59% said they would buy more health insurances. 图2 中国消费者健康意识 Figure2. Chinese consumer health consciousness