
2015 One Show 品牌娱乐-金奖:节日卡片专卖店母亲节感人广告 工作面试    

2015 One Show 品牌娱乐-金奖:节日卡片专卖店母亲节感人广告 工作面试


  Must be able to work 135+ hours a week (每周工作135小时)

  Ability to work overnight, associate needs pending (做好熬夜的准备,并时刻准备着)
  Willingness to forgo any breaks (愿意放弃所有的休息)

  Work mostly standing up and/or bending down

  Must be able to lift up to 75 lbs. on a regular basis

  Ph.D. in psychology or real-life equivalent

  Crisis management skills a must

  Ability to manage a minimum of 10-15 projects at one time

  Ability to communicate at all levels (basic to advanced)

  Ability to improvise

  Proficient in handling sticky situations (literally and figuratively)

  Ability to coordinate multiple, often conflicting, schedules

  Ability to make independent decisions on behalf of others

  Ability to work with associates with minimal ability

  Ability to work in a chaotic environment

  Frequent travel; minivan driving experience a plus

  Excellent interpersonal skills and a collaborative approach

  Flexible when it comes to surprise requests

  Demonstrated knowledge and experience in negotiating, counseling and culinary arts

  Unlimited patience

  Understanding of social media, mobile devices and video games

        Understanding of finance

  Understanding of medicine

  Selflessly driven

  Valid driver’s license, CPR certification and Red Cross membership

  Ability to wear several hats, professional and domestic

  Positive disposition at all times
