注:vacuumcleaner真空吸尘器" />



  Rona recycled paint from Apple

  注:Billboard(户外广告牌)Design, a major advertising vehicle in Outdoor advertisement is always filled with numerousoptions to display one’s creativity and potential. Companies spend a huge amount in promotion and advertising of their product and services and choose. Billboards over other advertising media because of its distinguishedidentityand high visibility.




  Have fun with your pimples!

注:pimple 丘疹,面泡,疙瘩



  Castrol Liquid Engineering



  Giant Lord of the Rings Sculptures in Australia

注:Lord of the Rings 指环王;sculptures 雕塑



  Get them off your dog

注:get something off 让......离开



  Nissan qashqai outdoor

注:qashqai 中文译为逍客,尼桑下的一个汽车品牌



  Nikon D700 Guerrilla Style



  Panasonic nose trimmer: Baldy

注:nose trimmer 鼻毛修剪器



  Pond’s Anti-Bacterial Facial Scrub

注:anti-bacterial 抗菌的;facial scrub 面部清洁膏






  Super-Max blades: Cut Through Billboard

注:blades 刀片



  Nitco Wood-finish tiles: Roots

注:wood-finish 木材涂装;tiles 磁砖



  Renault Sport

注:Renault 雷诺,法国第二大汽车公司



  KBW Kentucky bourbon whisky

注:Kentucky 美国肯塔基州;bourbon 美国肯塔基州出品的一种用玉米酿成的威士忌



  Koleston Naturals: Change



  Berger Paints



  All you can eat, Rest stop




  Outdoor: Miele vacuum cleaner

注:vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器



